The Earth rotates around its pole. One rotation takes one day. The Earth also orbits around the Sun. One complete orbit takes one year. The Earth's axis of rotation is tilted at 23.5º to the plane of its orbit around the Sun. This tilting causes the change of seasons as the northern and southern hemispheres of the Earth move slightly closer and farther away from the Sun. The seasons are characterized by increasing and decreasing length of day time and night time. There are two days a year where the day time and night time are of equal length, the spring equinox and the fall equinox. (See Figure 1 below)

If one drew a line from the center of the Earth through the center of the Sun, that line would "draw" a large plane in the heavens as the Earth orbits the Sun. This large plane is called the ecliptic plane (or orbital plane). If we extend the plane out into space it would intersect the constellations in our zodiac, (See Figure 3). These constellations have familiar names like Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc. From the perspective of the Earth, it looks like the Sun orbits the Earth every day, and it looks like the Sun "travels through" the sequence of zodiacal constellations as the year progresses. Of course that is an illusion; the rotation of the Earth makes the Sun appear to rise and set; the orbit of the Earth around the Sun makes it look like the Sun is "in" one zodiacal constellation after another.
Constellations are groups of stars that are relatively close to each other. These stars are close in the side-by-side view, and also close in their relative distance from our solar system. Astronomically they have been shown to be moving together. Astrologically, constellations are thought of as a group of stars constituting a grand Being, who radiates a unique pattern of energies. There are countless constellations filling our sky. The more obvious and visible constellations have been mapped and named. At any time, therefore, there is a constellation behind the Sun as viewed from Earth. The Sun radiates heat, light and life itself to Earth. Astrologically it is thought that our sun acts as a "lens", magnifying the qualities of the constellation behind it and causing these qualities to affect life on Earth.
The axis of rotation of the Earth, the poles, are perpendicular to the equator. The extension of the plane of the Earth's equator out into space is called the equatorial plane. As stated earlier, the axis of rotation, the poles are tilted at 23.5º to the orbital plane, the ecliptic. Thus the equatorial plane is also tilted to the ecliptic at 23.5º. The spring equinox and fall equinox occur at the intersection of the ecliptic plane and the equatorial plane. (See Fig. 1 above)
The Precession of the Equinox
In addition to rotation, orbit and inclination, the Earth also has a wobble. The wobble is much like what happens to a spinning top or gyroscope whose axis of rotation slowly rotates around in a circle. The plane of the equator of the top would also wobble. This wobbling plane would look much like a coin or plate towards the end of a cycle of spinning. (Figure 2) At first the coin spins on one point of its outer rim. Towards the end of its cycle it falls on its outer rim with the outer rim rising and falling around the rotation.
The axis of rotation of the Earth wobbles around a line drawn perpendicular to the ecliptic plane. The axis of rotation is always 23.5º from this perpendicular line. Of course both the rotational axis and the equatorial plane wobble. It is the wobbling of the equatorial plane that causes the line of the intersection of the equatorial and ecliptic planes to move. As mentioned earlier, the intersection of these two planes determine where on the zodiac our spring and fall equinoxes occur. This line of intersection is said to "precess", or move around the zodiac because of the wobble.
The wobble is quite slow. It takes 25,800 years to complete one circle, i.e., for our rotational axis to "draw" a complete circle in the heavens; or for our spring equinox to precess from one point all the way around the zodiac back to the same point. This slow wobble does not affect our orbit of the Sun or our rotation. It also does not affect where in our calendar year the spring equinox and fall equinox occur.
It does effect, very gradually, where on the zodiac our equinox falls. As you can see in Figure 3, our spring equinox fell in Taurus 6000 years ago. It takes about 2150 years for the equinox to travel 30º or 1/12th of the ecliptic. This precession means that the spring equinox was just entering Pisces 2000 years ago and is almost entering Aquarius now. What that means is that the zodiac appears to "rotate through" our seasons and therefore through our calendar. Of course the zodiac is not moving, it is only the point in the year that we experience the various constellations that changes.
Astrology and Astronomy
Around 2500 years ago there was no distinction between astrology and astronomy. Men were trying to make some sense of both the positions and the meanings of the stars. When the spring equinox was on the western (beginning) edge of Aries (about 150 BC) the greatest astronomer of the time, Hipparchus discovered the precession of the equinox. He also declared that the western edge of Aries was the "First Point in Aries" which has come to mean the start of the astronomical and astrological (but not calendar) year.
This has had a lasting effect on astrologers. Apparently being more concerned with the meaning rather than the position of the zodiac, astrologers still make their calculations based on the positions of the stars when the spring equinox was at the beginning point of Aries, as it was over 2000 years ago. For example, the astrological ephemeris notes that last year on March 21 at the exact moment of the spring equinox, the Sun "begins its first day of travel into" the sign of Aries. Astronomically, the Sun was "in" Pisces at the time and would not enter Aries until the 19th of April. The equinox has precessed 29º since it last fell exactly on the first point of Aries. It will return to that spot in about 23,700 years. (See Figure 4)
Figure 4
Twelve Equal Pie Shaped Pieces
One only has to look at the sky to be able to see that some constellations are much larger than others. Astronomers have found stars which could not be seen with the naked eye, forming parts of constellations. Thinking of the heavens as a great sphere, these "areas" of the constellations can be drawn fairly accurately. They come in all sizes and shapes.
There are a number of days of our yearly orbit when the Sun is between the Earth and any one of the zodiacal constellations. Since each constellation is of different size and since the ecliptic passes through larger or smaller portions of each constellation, the Sun is between the Earth and each zodiacal constellation for varying periods. For example, more days (44 days) are spent with the Sun between the Earth and the largest constellation, Virgo, than are spent with the Sun between the Earth and the smallest constellation, Scorpio (7 days). If you look at the map of the zodiacal constellation in Figure 4, you can see that Scorpio is not so much smaller than Virgo, it is that the ecliptic passes through just a small corner of Scorpio.
In the far distant past we have had fewer and greater numbers of constellations in our zodiac. 2100 years ago, there were 12 constellations in our zodiac. At present our ecliptic passes through 13 constellations, the usual 12 and Ophiuchus. Within a few hundred years the ecliptic will no longer pass through Scorpio but will also include Orion.
Most astrologers use a different system to determine the size of our zodiacal constellations. The ecliptic (360º) is simply divided up into twelve equal segments (of 30º).
To recap, most astrologers make their calculations of the positions of the stars in our zodiac based on the sky as it was over 2100 years ago. Also, most astrologers assign approximately 30 days (30º of the ecliptic) to each of twelve signs. Astronomers make calculations based on the sky as it is by observation at the present time. Astronomers take into consideration both the physical size and position of the constellation in the sky and the current position of the constellations in our year, our calendar.
The Five Days of the Full Moon
The moon is regarded in Esoteric Astrology as a decaying lifeless form which is the remnant of a previous incarnation of the Logos of our planet. That fact stands behind the idea that the moon represents the past and materiality. As you know, the moon orbits the Earth approximately every 28 days. The plane of the orbit of the moon is essentially the same as the Earth's ecliptic plane. Its orbit will therefore bring the Moon close to a position exactly between the Sun and the Earth. Viewed from the Earth, the Moon looks dark at that time and we call it a new moon. Astrologically, the new moon could be thought of as a time when the Sun is energizing and thereby emphasizing the material aspect of Creation.
Fourteen days later the Moon orbits to the nearly exact opposite position of the Sun, i.e., where the Earth is between the Sun and Moon. From the Earth at that time we see the complete irradiation of the Moon and we call it a full moon. Astrologically the full moon could be thought of as a time when the material aspect of Creation is out of the way, leaving us open to the unimpeded inflow of spiritual (solar) energies.
"Symbolically speaking, the period of intensest meditation of our planetary Logos comes around at the full moon period each month; just as you have your daily meditation so He in His high place, has His cyclic point of contact. This produces the pouring in of radiance and the entering in of energy both subjective and objective. For all true students, therefore, their work on the mental plane is facilitated; they are enabled then to meditate more successfully and to attain realisation with greater ease." Esoteric Healing, p. 341
"The two days preceding the full moon are called the "days of renunciation and detachment,... days of a most intensive effort in service, leading to the renunciation of all which could hinder our usefulness as channels of spiritual force. ... on the day of the Festival [Full Moon] itself we simply regard ourselves as the ...custodians of, as much of that inflowing spiritual force as we can possibly hold.... On the two succeeding days, (the days of distribution) the focus of our attention will be steadily turned away from ourselves but also from the inner subjective planes to the outer world, and our efforts will be to pass on, or to pass through, that measure of spiritual energy that may have been contacted." Esoteric Psychology II, p.686-687
The Signs and the Constellations
"It has been remarked by a profound astrological expert Who works with the Masters of the Great White Lodge that "when humanity comprehends the distinction between the signs and the constellations, understands the nature of the polarity of energies and responds to the three cosmic Realities, the twelve cosmic Energies and the seven planetary Impacts and the interplay of the twelve Creative Hierarchies, then and not till then, will a radiant light be seen and the destiny of our solar Logos be finally determined." Behind this statement are to be found three meanings: one for average intelligent man, another for disciples, and a third one for initiates above the third degree." Esoteric Astrology, pp. 270-271
"These are points which astrologers would do well to consider. I would remind students again that when speaking of signs I am referring to the influences of the constellations as they are represented by the signs, calling to your attention that in the great evolutionary process and owing to certain shifts and astronomical-astrological discrepancies, the Sun is not in the constellation to which a particular sign refers at any given moment." Esoteric Astrology, p. 410
"In the understanding of the significance of the distinction between constellations as galaxies of stars, and signs as concentrated influences will come fresh light upon the science of astrology. This is fundamentally connected with the difference between the relation of a ray energy to the triangle of constellations and the human relation. More I may not say but this will give a hint to the intuitive astrologer." Esoteric Astrology, pp. 621-622
"...These are astronomical facts. The interpretation of the symbolism attached from ancient days to these constellations is as old as religion itself. Whence came the signs, and how the meanings and symbols associated with them came into being, is lost in the night of time. They have existed in men's minds and thoughts and writings for thousands of years, and are our joint heritage today." From Bethlehem to Calvary, pp. 63-64
"A hint is here conveyed to you anent the world period into which we are now entering and it will be increasingly apparent to you (if you reflect upon my words) why we are progressing into a sign wherein the ranks of initiates will be greatly augmented. In the stage of initiation, the energies of the signs and their constellations (shall I say attendant constellations&emdash;it expresses the situation more accurately than the usual mode of saying it) come through in a purer form and in a more direct line than upon the Path of Discipleship and the earlier stages of evolutionary development. The initiate is responsive to planetary, systemic and certain cosmic influences and becomes&emdash;if I might so express it&emdash;a lens through which "the many lights which are energy itself" can stream and thus be focussed upon our planet. To these energies, the initiate tunes his consciousness and thus becomes a planetary server." Esoteric Astrology, pp. 268-269
Space Is An Entity
"It is wise to remember that 'space is an entity'&emdash;as H.P.B. expressed it. When he so defined space, he gave humanity one of the most important hints it has ever received. The realisation of the existence of this entity leads to a practical recognition of the aphorism that "in Him we live and move and have our being." It explains the necessity for the esoteric teaching anent planetary centres and the planes as states of consciousness. The disciple then begins to study himself in relation to this "all-enveloping Entity," to ascertain the "direction" from which the various energies (which empower his life and motivate his actions) come, and to familiarise himself gradually in "the location of these power stations and of those radiant centres of light which&emdash;founded by the divine Creator&emdash;are the sources of life and the origin of light and knowledge." ... The disciple moves always in a world of energies; they make an impact upon him from many and varying directions. He has to learn which energies should be rejected and those to which he should be receptive; all these energies are moving in space and are in reality the life-aspect of the space-entity; all are determined by the time factor with which the disciple must familiarise himself. On the other hand, the process is reversed at times. The disciple learns to use energies&emdash;located and found by him in space&emdash;within a set time and then to direct them accurately (via the ajna centre) into the work and into the group which is under hierarchical influence, through his own immediate efforts. Ponder on this, for in these words lies hid much illumination." Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 396-397
"It might be profitable to point out that the entire universe is etheric and vital in nature and of an extension beyond the grasp of the greatest mind of the age, mounting into more than astronomical figures&emdash;if that statement even conveys sense to your minds. This extent cannot be computed, even in terms of light years; this cosmic etheric area is the field of untold energies and the basis of all astrological computations; it is the playground of all historical cycles&emdash;cosmic, systemic and planetary&emdash;and is related to the constellations, to the worlds of suns, to the most distant stars and to the numerous recognised universes, as well as to our own solar system, to the many planets, and to that planet upon which and in which we move and live and have our being, as well as to the smallest form of life known to science and perhaps covered by the meaningless term "an atom." All are found existing in Space&emdash;Space is etheric in nature and&emdash;so we are told in the occult science&emdash;Space is an Entity. The glory of man lies in the fact that he is aware of space and can imagine this space as the field of divine living activity, full of active intelligent forms, each placed in the etheric body of this unknown Entity, each related to each other through the potency which not only holds them in being but which preserves their position in relation to each other; yet each of these differentiated forms possesses its own differentiated life, its own unique quality or integral colouring, and its own specific and peculiar form of consciousness.
...We speak at times of an expanding universe; what we really mean is an expanding consciousness, for this etheric body of the Entity, Space, is the recipient of many types of informing and penetrating energies, and it is also the field for the intelligent activity of the indwelling Lives of the Universe, of the many constellations, of the distant stars, of our solar system, of the planets within the system, and of all that constitutes the sum total of these separated living forms. The factor which relates them is consciousness and nothing else, and the field of conscious awareness is created through the interplay of all living intelligent forms within the area of the etheric body of that great Life which we call SPACE.
...Each form (because it constitutes an aggregated area of substantial lives or atoms) is a centre within the etheric body of the form of which it is a constituent part. It has, as the basis of its existence, a living dynamic point which integrates the form and preserves it in essential being. This form or centre&emdash;large or small, a man or an atom of substance&emdash;is related to all other forms and expressing energies in the environing space, and is automatically receptive to some, and repudiates others through the process of non-recognition; it relays or transmits other energies, radiating from other forms, and it thus becomes in its turn an impressing agent.
...Again, each point of life within a centre has its own sphere of radiation or its own extending field of influence; this field is necessarily dependent upon the type and the nature of the indwelling Consciousness. It is this magnetic interplay between the many vast centres of energy in space which is the basis of all astronomical relationships&emdash;between universes, solar systems and planets. Bear in mind, however, that it is the CONSCIOUSNESS aspect which renders the form magnetic, receptive, repudiating and transmitting; this consciousness differs according to the nature of the entity which informs or works through a centre, great or small. Bear in mind also that the life which pours through all centres and which animates the whole of space is the life of an Entity; it is, therefore, the same life in all forms, limited in time and space by the intention, the wish, the form and the quality of the indwelling consciousness: the types of consciousness are many and diverse, yet life remains ever the same and indivisible, for it is the ONE LIFE.
The sphere of radiation is conditioned always by the point of evolution of the life within the form; the correlating, integrating factor, relating centre to centre, is life itself; life establishes contact; livingness is the basis of every relation, even if this is not immediately apparent to you; consciousness qualifies the contact and colours the radiation. Thus again we are returned to the same fundamental triplicity to which I gave the names of Life, Quality, Appearance in an earlier book.* A form is therefore a centre of life within some aspect of the etheric body of the Entity, Space, where a living animated existence, such as that of a planet, is concerned. The same is true also of all lesser forms, such as those found upon and within a plane." Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, pp. 178-180
The Great Illusion
"I have frequently referred to the fact that the entire science of astrology is based upon a non-existent condition. It has no basis in material fact and yet is eternally based on truth. The zodiac is, as you well know, the imaginary path of the Sun in the heavens. It is therefore largely an illusion, from the exoteric point of view. But at the same time the constellations exist, and the streams of energy which pass and repass, intermingle and interlock throughout the body of space are by no means illusions but definitely express eternal relationships. It is the misuse of the various energies which has created the illusion. This illusory path is consequently as much a reality to humanity today as are the personality illusions of any individual. These illusions are due to the polarisation of the individual upon the astral plane.
It is interesting also to note in this connection that&emdash;due to the precession of the equinoxes&emdash;a fourth type of force is brought to bear upon the planet and man, but one which is seldom recognised and given due place in the horoscope. The month and the sign, or the place of the Sun in the heavens, do not really coincide. When we state, for instance, that the Sun is "in Aries" it conveys an esoteric truth but not an exoteric fact. The Sun was in Aries at the beginning of this great cycle, but it is not in exactly the same position today when it is 'found' in that sign." Esoteric Astrology, p. 63
"...starting with the basic fact of the Great Illusion it should be remembered that the accuracy of astrological prediction and interpretation will be based upon three factors:
1. The potency of the thoughtforms which have been built up in connection with the twelve signs. These thoughtforms were originally constructed or anchored upon the mental plane by the Hierarchy in Atlantean days and they have steadily gained in power ever since. They serve as focal points for certain forces and enable the individual, for instance, to be in touch with great reservoirs of energy which then definitely condition him.
2. The intuition of the astrologer. The casting of the horoscope serves to put the astrologer en rapport with the individual, but this is of small service to either party unless the intuition and sensitivity of the astrologer is actively present.
3. The capacity of the astrologer in any specific period to respond to the changes which are all the time taking place, such as the gradual shifting and changing brought about by the precession of the equinoxes, or the slow shift of the pole of the planet. To this should be added that&emdash;as man evolves&emdash;the mechanism of response or the vehicles of consciousness likewise steadily improve. His reactions, therefore, to the planetary influence and to the energy of the various constellations change with equal steadiness and allowance must be made for this." Esoteric Astrology, pp. 68-69
I would have you bear in mind that time and energy are interchangeable terms upon the inner planes. Time is an event, and an event is a focussed expression of force of some type or kind. Exteralization of the HIerarchy, p. 347
The Individual Horoscope
"Certain factors which astrologers should bear in mind, and certain conditions they are only too apt to forget, may however be briefly noted. For the sake of clear understanding we will simply tabulate a number of statements which should be studied with care by the average investigator in this field. I cannot here write a treatise on the energies with which astrology should deal, sorely as such a treatise is needed.
Astrologers concern themselves primarily with three types of energy:
a. The energy of the constellation in which the Sun is posited at the time of birth.
b. The rising sign to which the man should respond.
c. The moon which governs his form aspect, and particularly the physical form.
The energy of the particular constellation or sign in which a man is born is more deeply significant than has ever yet been suggested. It embodies or indicates his present problem, sets the pace or tempo of his life, and is related to the quality of his personality. It governs, if I may so express it, the rajasic or activity aspect of his life during incarnation.
The ascendant or rising sign indicates the line along which his energy as a whole can flow if he is to fulfill the purpose of any incarnation. This, of course, if rightly handled. It holds the secret of his future, and in its symbolism and understanding he can find the clue to his life problem and an indication of what he can be and achieve. It presents to him the type of force which will enable him to succeed. This, when duly consummated, might be regarded as producing the sattvic, or harmony aspect of his life, for when it plays its part and is utilised, it produces harmony with the will of the soul during any particular incarnation.
In the moon influence, we have indicated the native's past. It summarises the limitations and handicaps under which he must work, and therefore might be regarded as embodying the tamasic aspect of matter, or that which "holds back" and which&emdash;if permitted to influence unduly&emdash;will produce inertia. In the body with which man is equipped lies hid the secret of past experience, and every lunar form through which we have to arrive at due expression is in itself the product or synthesis of all the past. Let me see if I can put the present truth about astrology in such simple guise that they who know naught of this intricate science may understand.
The birth month indicates the day of opportunity. The door stands open. The particular month in which a soul comes into incarnation is indicated to that soul by the month in which it passed out of incarnation in a previous life cycle. If it, for instance, died in the month governed by the sign Leo, it will return into incarnation in the same sign, picking up the thread of experience where it left it, and starting with the same type of energy and the peculiar equipment with which it passed away from earth life, plus the gain of thought and conscious onlooking. The quality of the energy and the nature of the forces to be manipulated during life are indicated to the soul in this way.
The rising sign, embodying another type of energy, should wax in strength during the incarnation, for it indicates the nature of the soul force that the incarnated son of God is seeking to wield through the medium of a particular personality, possessing certain characteristics.
The influence of the moon is primarily physical. The prison of the soul is thus indicated. The handicaps to be met are thus secured; the type of body or of bodies through which the force of the native's sign and the quality of the energy which will bring him to his goal are thus defined. Through the medium of the lunar lords and what they have given him as the result of past experience down the ages must he express himself upon the physical plane.
Owing to the precession of the equinoxes, a situation is brought about in which a fourth type of force makes itself felt. The sun is, in reality, many degrees away in the great round of the heavens from where it is stated to be, as far as the greater zodiac is concerned. This is, of course, from the standpoint of time. As the sweep of the sun through a constellation covers a period of approximately two thousand two hundred years, the shift in the course of the centuries is very slight..." A Treatise on White Magic, pp 434-438
"In casting the horoscope of a human being who is born in a particular month, however, it should be borne in mind (which it seldom is) that now the month and the sign do not coincide at all. The sun is really not in Leo, for instance, during the month of August. The correct interpretation therefore of a chart is largely psychometrical and dependent upon the thought-form of the constellation which has been built up for ages by the astrologers. Energy follows thought. For thousands of years certain types of energy and their consequent qualifying effects on substance and form have been considered to be thus and so. Therefore, thus they are, except in the case of the highly evolved, of the true aspirant who has oriented himself, and is thus escaping from the wheel of existence and beginning to govern his stars, and so is no longer under their rule and domination.
Astrology now deals primarily with the personality for whom the horoscope may be cast and with the events of the personality life. When, through meditation and service, plus the discipline of the lunar bodies, a man comes consciously and definitely under his soul ray, then he comes as definitely under the influence of one or other of the seven solar systems, as they focus their energy through one or other of the constellations and subsequently one or other of the seven sacred planets. ... Our solar system, as you know, is one of seven. When a man has arrived at this point in evolution, birth months, mundane astrology, and the influences which play upon the form aspect become of less and less importance. This circle of solar systems affects paramountly the soul and it becomes the focal point of spiritual energies. This is the problem of the soul on its own plane,&emdash;responsiveness to these types of energy, and, of them, the personality is totally unaware.
The signs which fall therefore into the four categories of earth, water, fire and air, concern primarily the man who lives below the diaphragm, and who utilises the lower four centres:&emdash;the centre at the base of the spine, the sacral centre, the solar plexus and the spleen. The inner group of seven major or systemic energies produce their effect upon the man who is living above the diaphragm, and work through the seven representative centres in the head. Four of them focus through the throat centre, the heart centre, the ajna and head centres. Three are held latent in the region of the head centres (the thousand petalled lotus) and only enter into functioning activity after the third initiation. It will be evident therefore how complicated from the standpoint of the horoscope (as well as of the individual problem) is this meeting of the energies of two types of constellations in the case of the man who is neither purely human nor purely spiritual. The ordinary horoscope is negated. The horoscope is not possible as yet of delineation. The only horoscope, which is basically and almost infallibly correct is that of the entirely low grade human being who lives entirely below the diaphragm and is governed by his animal nature alone." A Treatise on White Magic, pp 436-438
The Vehicles of Response
"This [Virgo] is the sixth sign and of it the six-pointed star is the ancient symbol, portraying as it does the process of involution and also that of evolution, carried to the point of balance, expressed for us in the relationship of Virgo to Libra. You will note, if you consult the dictionary, that astronomically Virgo is regarded as occupying the place in the heavens where Libra is to be found. This is all part of the great illusion which astrology finds hard to grasp. There is a constant moving and shifting in space; the precession of the equinoxes is both a fact and an illusion. The whole process and its interpretation is dependent upon the intellectual point in evolution of the race; the responsiveness of man to the planetary forces and to the influence of the zodiacal signs is dependent upon man's vehicles of response and upon the mechanism of reception with which he enters into incarnation. The heavens, the constellations, signs and planets mean one thing to the Hierarchy and another thing to the astronomers and still another thing to the astrologers, whilst they are simply bewildering galaxies of light to the average citizen. I feel the need to remind you of this and to point out to you that astronomical facts are only relative as regards the true and factual nature of that about which scientific pronouncement is made; they are declarative of life and potency but not as science and the average man understand them. From the standpoint of esoteric truth, they are simply embodied Lives and the expression of the life, the quality, the purpose and the intent of the Beings Who have brought them into manifestation. Esoteric Astrology, pp. 256-257
"...the main function of the planets is to be distributing agents for the energies emanating from the zodiac as they converge within our solar system and become attracted to our planet. Students need to understand more thoroughly than they do that the basis of the astrological sciences is the emanation, transmission and reception of energies and their transmutation into forces by the receiving entity. The energies of the various signs are attracted by the different planets according to their stage of development and by what is esoterically called 'ancient relationship' between the informing entities of the planets and of the constellations. This relation exists between beings and is founded on a Law of Affinity. It is this law of affinity which produces the magnetic pull and the dynamic response between constellations and planets within the solar system and between some particular planet and the forms of life upon another planet and the "impending energies," as they are called, which are being received from some major source. The capacity to receive and profit by the planetary energies (themselves received as emanated from some constellation) is dependent upon the point in evolution which determines the receptivity and the responsiveness of the mechanism of reception. This constitutes an unalterable law and accounts for the power of certain planets which may have hitherto remained undiscovered and which have therefore had little to do with evolution up to the present, owing to the unresponsiveness of the forms of reception. The planets, the energies and forces have existed all the time but have remained ineffective and consequently undiscovered owing to the non-existence of the needed instruments of response. They will, therefore, have no effect upon the life and history of an individual and only become potent and 'magnetically informing' when a man has reached a certain point of development and is becoming sensitive to higher influences and is in preparation for the treading of the path. This readiness indicates that his response apparatus (the threefold personality) is more sensitive than is the case with the average person, and can respond to a higher range of vibrations than would otherwise be possible. Herein also lies the distinction between the sacred and the non-sacred planets. The Lords of the planets (the ray Lives or planetary Logoi) are also, on Their own level, unequally developed and some of them are further advanced upon the cosmic path of spiritual unfoldment than are others; Those Who are definitely upon the Cosmic Path of Discipleship are regarded as informing sacred planets, whilst Those Who are upon the Cosmic Probationary Path are expressing Themselves through non-sacred planets. is all a question of developed reception and sensitivity." Esoteric Astrology, pp. 266-268
Astrology and the Centers
"It might be added in addition that the signs of the zodiac are concerned primarily with the life expression of the Heavenly Man (as far as our planet is concerned) and therefore with the destiny and life of the planetary Logos. They are also concerned with the great man of the heavens, the solar Logos. I refer in this last instance to their effect as it makes itself felt in the solar system as a whole and with this effect there are few astrologers at this time fit to deal. I would remind you that to the lives who inform these great constellations and whose radiation &emdash;dynamic and magnetic&emdash;reaches our Earth, this effect is incidental and unnoticed. The primary effect that they have is upon our planetary Logos and this effect reaches us through Him, pouring through that great planetary centre to which we have given the name of Shamballa. It is, therefore, capable of evoking the major response from the monads, and these monads express themselves through the kingdom of souls and through the human kingdom; it consequently expresses itself through the Hierarchy and through humanity as a whole. This is a point of real importance and should be noted and connected with all the teaching you have had upon this most interesting theme of the three major planetary centres. It is the work of the zodiacal influences to evoke the emergence of the will aspect of the Heavenly Man and of all monads, souls and personalities who constitute the planetary body of expression. This statement means but little to you today but it will mean much to those students who, in a few decades, will study what I am here saying. Properly understood, it accounts for much that is happening in the world at this time." Esoteric Astrology pp. 21-22
"Students need to understand more thoroughly than they do that the basis of the astrological sciences is the emanation, transmission and reception of energies and their transmutation into forces by the receiving entity." Esoteric Astrology, p. 266
"Shamballa receives energy from various solar and extra-solar Entities or centres of emphatic and energetic life; i.e., from Venus, from the Central Spiritual Sun, from the current conditioning constellation through which our sun may be passing, from the Great Bear and other cosmic centres. Sirius, so important a factor in the spiritual life of the planet, brings its energies to bear direct upon the Hierarchy, and energy from Sirius does not normally enter our planetary life via Shamballa." Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 520
"... the planetary atom also revolves orbitally around its solar centre. This is its expression of rotary-spiral-cyclic action, and its recognition of the divine central magnet. ... It... brings it under the inflowing streams of energy from what are termed the zodiacal constellations which reach the planetary scheme via the great centre, the Sun. ...all can be regarded as the swirling tide of intermingling currents, with numerous focal points of energy demonstrating here and there, yet in no way static as to location." A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, pp. 1056
The Basis of Esoteric Astrology
"...the subject of esoteric astrology ... It is intended to launch the new astrology which is founded on the soul and not on the personality. Orthodox astrology sets up a chart which gives the fate and destiny of the personality, and when that personality is little evolved or is only of an average development, it can be and often is amazingly correct. It is not so correct, however, in the case of highly developed people, aspirants, disciples and initiates who are beginning to control their stars and consequently their actions; the events and the happenings in their lives then become unpredictable. The new and future astrology endeavours to give the key to the horoscope of the soul, as it is conditioned by the soul ray and not by the personality ray; enough has been given by me to enable astrologers, who are interested and of the new inclination, to work out the future from the angle of this new approach. Astrology is a fundamental and most necessary science." Discipleship in the New Age, pp. 779-780
At this stage in the unfoldment of the human consciousness, there is little that I can say further anent the Science of Triangles. I have hinted at the entire structure of living, moving, focussing and transmitting light triangles which should underlie (and eventually will underlie) the manifested universe. I have pointed out certain relations between the various constellations, the esoteric planets and our Earth. I have shifted the approach of the astrological student away from the world of tangible happenings, precipitated events, and personal characteristics (which are distinctive of exoteric modern astrology) into the world of conditioning energies, controlling incentives, impulses and causes, and have thus laid down the basis of an inner esoteric astrology which must govern this ancient science in the future. I have emphasised in your consciousness, the web of light and energy which is the recipient of zodiacal and other extra-systemic forces and I have pointed to the first dim outline of the astrology of the soul and of the unfolding consciousness of man. I have presented to you some esoteric facts which must for a while at least remain hypotheses and theories to the average astrologer and probably unwelcome ones at that; I have made statements which are of necessity revolutionary in nature and, therefore, disturbing, if not apparently untrue or based on premises which deny all that the modern astrologer has worked out and hitherto held dear. In this connection two of these ideas are basic where the astrology of the soul is concerned:
1. The reversal of the life of the disciple upon the Wheel of Life, by means of which his progress becomes anti-clockwise.
2. The influence of the rising sign which is held by the esoteric astrologer to indicate soul possibility and direction, versus the personality opportunity, offered by the nature of the vehicle of response." Esoteric Astrology, pp. 496-497